Angel wing begonias
I know next to nothing about begonias. However, in April 2011 I received an angel wing begonia cutting as part of a plant trade. I potted it up and it actually flowered that first year . Since then I’ve been given cuttings of another type of angel wing begonia and they, too, have thrived. Technically, angel wing begonias are “cane-type” begonias because they produce sturdy canes with bamboo-like internodes. As you can see in the next photo, my angel wing begonias live in a protected spot on our front porch, protected from the sun and the wind. Initially I wasn’t sure whether begonias would survive outside so the first cutting spent the winter of 2011 inside the house. Last winter, however, all my angel wing begonias stayed put on the porch and they did just fine without any supplemental protection. From December through February I watered them very occasionally, maybe every three weeks. With the arrival of spring, I increased the frequency and now, in the summer, I water them every w...