December 2022 post-freeze damage assessment

I don’t like winter. It’s dark and it’s cold. OK, I’ll admit, it’s all relative, because what I consider “cold” may seem laughable to others. But it matters to me, because I routinely buy plants that are technically not hardy for my zone (USDA hardiness zone 9b). This December has been colder than usual, both in terms of nighttime lows and daytime highs. Above all, we had two nights, December 18 and 19, when the lows dropped to 27°F—a temperature I don’t recall seeing in 5+ years. For reasons I don’t have a scientific explanation for, many of the tender succulents I grow are perfectly fine at 28°F, but start showing leaf damage below that. This is exacerbated by surface and soil moisture, something we’ve had plenty in the second half December. Winter has just begun so any damage assessment is premature, but here’s a quick snapshot of what was damaged (and what wasn’t) in the wake of the cold spell a couple of weeks ago. Damaged ↷ Most of my mangaves are fine, but a few show leaf damag...