Hanging out with Nick Deinhart, plantsman extraordinaire

When I was in Santa Barbara a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend some time with Nick Deinhart in San Luis Obispo . I’ve known Nick for years and have many of his aloe hybrids growing in my garden, but this is the first time I’ve seen his “playground.” Nick is a consummate plantsman, frequently exploring succulent habitats in Mexico and closer to home. And he is a master grower with decades of experience – and the magic touch. Nick surrounded by some of his aloes and agaves (photo by Justin Thiel) Nick has been working in the nursery business since he was a teen. Currently, he manages Growing Grounds Nursery , a non-profit wholesale nursery in San Luis Obispo that provides opportunities for adults with persistent mental illness. Growing Grounds plants are sold to local nurseries and landscapers; in addition, the nursery is open to the public every Tuesday. Check their availability list to see what kinds of plants they carry. I met Nick at the nursery and he showed me aroun...