Surprise rain on Halloween

I fully expected October to come to a close without any measurable rainfall. That would make it the driest October in recent memory. Imagine my surprise when I looked outside this morning and saw that the street was wet! It wasn’t much, not even a tenth of an inch, but it was thrilling nonetheless. I had somewhere to be first thing this morning, but when I got back, I snapped the photos below. I’m also including a couple of photos from my friend Kyle, who lives about 25 minutes east of here. Raindrops on plants – a sight I hadn’t seen in many months. Aloe lukeana ×Mangave ‘Pineapple Punch’ ×Mangave ‘Queen for a Day’ ×Mangave ‘Lavender Lady’ Graptopetalum paraguayense Graptopetalum superbum Echeveria cante (photo by Kyle Johnson) Myrtillocactus geometrizans (photo by Kyle Johnson) Echeveria agavoides ‘Christmas’ Notocactus herteri ssp. roseoluteus Notocactus mammulosus No sign of rain here, but don’t the prickles on this Aloe marlothii hybrid look like spiky rain drops? The rain...