Cactus flowers I missed while I was in Germany

While I was in Germany , a lot was happening in the garden. The weeds were growing like, well, weeds, but far more exciting was the first wave of cactus flowers. Fortunately, my wife kept a close eye on the goings-on and captured the flowers in the photos you see below. All credit goes to her. Echinopsis ‘First Light’ ‘First Light’ is always one of the first echinopsis hybrids to bloom in our garden. The flowers are show-stoppingly beautiful. See for yourself. First one flower... ...then a whole bouquet of flowers On the downside, the flowers are fully open for just one day. They begin to wilt the next day. Echinopsis ‘Flying Saucer’ There’s only one echinopsis that rivals ‘First Light’ in terms of sheer beauty, and that is ‘Flying Saucer’. If anything, it might even be more spectacular, mainly because the flowers are quite a bit larger, up to 8" in diameter. But like ‘First Light’, they’re short-lived. My wife’s hand for scale Echinopsis ‘Salmon Queen’ ‘First Light’ and ‘Flying ...