Mangave Cold Tolerance

The following list gives the cold tolerance of most known mangave varieties. The most useful sources are the websites of San Marcos Growers and Plant Delights Nursery. I also give the agave and manfreda parents of each variety (where known); this helps infer likely cold hardiness based on parentage.

This list should be a good starting point for your own trials. If your experience differs from the list, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page. 



  1. My only comment is that winter wet (cold wet?) changes these numbers. As I'm sure you are aware a dry succulent is much hardier than a wet one.

    1. Definitely. This winter was vivid proof of that. I've had mangaves rot from the persistent wet, not from the cold.

  2. Thanks a lot for this info. I'm looking to adding a mangrove or two to my front yard re-do.

  3. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, Kathleen in Minnesota!


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