Plant theft comment: what do you think?

On January 18, 2023, I wrote a post about two agaves being stolen from our front yard. At the time, I was both mad and sad – and worried it might happen again. Fortunately, it hasn't. I did install a security camera, which may or may not have had a deterrent effect.

Quite a few readers left comments on my original post. All of them were sympathetic and supportive. Until October 11 when this arrived:

This is what the comment says: 

“Your hostile language, and that of most respondents, is what is making your nation so divisive. Yes people shouldn't steal plants but I suggest it was taken by a fellow succulent lover like yourself, who is probably looking after it and perhaps even propagating from it, rather than 'pond scum'. It is interesting that you define yourself as a 'good person' which assumes you have divided your world up into good people, like yourself and bad people that you need to protect your smug little world from with CCTV etc. Little spirit of generosity for wider humanity being shown here. To state the obvious – we are all in it together – a bit of give and take and empathy make the trip easier for all and sweating the small stuff will only cause unnecessary stress.”

I had to read the comment twice to absorb it all. First I thought this was meant as a joke, but I don't think so. My second thought was, maybe I did overreact, they're just plants. 

But no. This goes beyond just plants. In this person's world, it appears to be OK to steal things as long as you “look after” them. So, anything I see I can simply take as long as I appreciate it? Where does it end though? Can I take somebody's pet as long as I care for it? Can I steal somebody's car if I promise to service it regularly? How far does this “bit of give and take” go? 

I'm still taken aback by this kind of attitude. What do you think?

© Gerhard Bock, 2023. All rights reserved. To receive all new posts by email, please subscribe here.


  1. The fact that this is an anonymous comment just proves that once again, someone is using a social platform to strike out while they hide. Without trying to get too political here, this seems to be the new idealism of a certain group of folks that want everything for nothing. You work hard so that I don't have to, and so on... It saddens and baffles me that there are some that actually believe this is the right way society should be. This could also be some prankster trying to stir the pot as is so often the case on social platforms. Regardless, I do not think that you overreacted here Gerhard. When you put the time, money and energy into something that is stolen, you have a right to express your anger just as this person has every right to express their point of view, wrong as it is; in our opinion. When you decide to share and post on social media, unfortunately, you'll have to put up with occasional remarks like this.

  2. In Buddhism and Christianity it is important that one practices generosity. At the same time both religions make it very clear one is not to take what is not freely given. Furthermore gardening is a form of self expression and an art. To have a plant removed without permission and behind one’s back feels like a violation. Reminds me of the feeling one would get when art is installed in an area available to the public and it is then defaced.

  3. I have to wonder why someone would take the time to comment on understandable dismay over plant thefts to respond with such animus 9 months later. Perhaps the person is a plant thief and felt it necessary to justify that to him/herself. As you indicated, where is the line drawn? Is it justifiable to kidnap a child if the person believes s/he can do a better job of caring for it? The world is currently plagued by divisions of all kinds but the peaceable, constructive solution to that is dialogue, not illegal or immoral acts justified by silly suppositions after-the-fact. Someone who admires (or covets) a plant would be better served to introduce themselves and ask where they could obtain a plant like that or if pups or seed are available. You are one of the most generous gardeners I know, Gerhard, and the comment you recently received is frankly pitiful.

  4. But it isn't about the plants, is it? It's that the thief had no love for you whatsoever. That's the violation. Who would show such a blatant disregard for another person? If they truly needed anything, could they not have asked?

  5. I sure hope this person doesn’t have his eye on your dog!!

  6. You've already given too much time to this sad little person. Trolling is likely their full time job, from their mother's basement. ;)

  7. Gerhard, I had the pleasure of meeting you a few weeks ago. I was incredibly impressed by your knowledge and generosity. Please keep being you and publishing this fantastic blog that I look forward to reading each time. Unfortunately with the internet everyone feels their opinion has value. It is easy to block light but difficult to create it. Thank you for creating light.

    1. Take whatever you want? I do not want to live in that world. When I think of how very generous you are with knowledge and sharing plants, it is especially irritating for someone to send you such a message

  8. What makes you think this was a person? The syntax and conclusions are both so odd there seems a very plausible case for AI. Many comments/trolling on the internet now are bot-generated, and better ignored.

  9. Nope, they are pond scum!

  10. "What exactly is your "fair share" of what someone else has worked for?" Thomas Sowell

  11. Gerhard, I could not believe it when I read that post. I agree with all the comments here and your original post was spot on. There isn't a more kind, generous person than you are and to have someone write such comments is so upsetting. I think this person is just trying to justify their own bad acts. There are all kinds of people in our world and, sadly, this is one of them. We gardeners spend so much time, energy and money creating beauty in the world and, obviously, to such a person it means nothing. You certainly did NOT overreact. Maybe it was AI as has been suggested, but, still, there is a cruel person behind it.

  12. Theft is wrong and this person chose to vilify you and rationalize someone else’s bad behavior. Even if the thief had some noble intentions, they could have asked you for a plant. I suggest we all stop letting these people rile us.

  13. Cuckoo! Completely ridiculous. I'd be ticked if someone stole a plant. Also, we all give cuttings away - even if no one requests it, hahaha. The comment about taking it and caring for it strikes me as so odd - the justification doesn't make it right in any way.

    1. Yes, it is odd. That is why I started to wonder if it was created by AI.

  14. As I originally replied when you shared this with me (and I see you mention as well), would the same logic hold true for a vehicle? While it's true most of our fellow citizens don't value plants as much as we do, it's still (as tz comments) a cuckoo and completely ridiculous thing to write. Someone is having "fun" with you.

  15. I’m sorry you had to read that. There is no justification for hypothetical defense of the thieves or for casting the victim as intolerant for not accepting theft with a smile. I’ve read and enjoyed your blog for a long time, and that’s the only justifiable way for a plant lover to interact with your garden unless they are invited to enjoy it by you.

  16. A troll, AI, or just stupid... this kind of comment in this peaceful environment is hurtful. Best to delete and forget about it.

  17. If the thief was an "innocent succulent lover & just wanting a few babies" why not just ASK YOU. What's the worst you'll

  18. sounds suspiciously like an AI generated post especially since it's 9 months out. We all know how generous you are Gerhard and for someone to put the blame on you for feeling violated and outraged is ridiculous.

  19. Thank you, everybody, for your kind words of support. I really appreciate knowing that we're all on the same side of this.

  20. I am wondering if you have any Giant quill side bulbs from your plant you are willing to share... I have naked ladies bulbs to trade...

    1. No side bulbs yet, just the one giant bulb (which is pushing leaves at the moment).

  21. It's too bad that the troll's comment was posted anonymously. Since this person is so full of a "spirit of generosity for wider humanity" he/she should practice what he preaches and invite anyone to take anything they want. There are plenty of people who love not just succulents but also the poster's TV, car, wallet, and so on.

  22. I take it back! If, as I originally posted, this is an AI learning algorithm...The AI summit in the UK last week has me thinking about our obligation as humans to help AI learn the things we would like it to. As such, I am responding to the comment with support for it's positive messaging. I am unsure how to properly address the issue of theft; suggestions welcome!


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